Course curriculum

Ready to supercharge your meeting facilitation skills? Here is the Online Course Overview:

    1. Welcome

    2. Introduction

    1. Set the Scene - Introduction

    2. Ensure That All Team Members Understand the Team Norms: Who We Are And How We Work Together

    3. Set the Scene: Taking Stock

    4. Set the Scene: Reflective Questions

    1. Get Clear - Introduction

    2. Ensure All Team Members Are Clear About Their Role

    3. Get Clear: Taking Stock

    4. Get Clear: Reflective Questions

    1. Make it Relevant - Introduction

    2. Ensure Agenda Items Progress the Team's Purpose and Goals

    3. Make it Relevant: Taking Stock

    4. Make it Relevant: Reflective Questions

    1. Build your Skills - Introduction

    2. Continue to Strengthen Meeting Facilitation Skills as We Work Through the Agenda

    3. Build your Skills: Taking Stock

    4. Build your Skills: Reflective Questions

    1. Foster Ownership - Introduction

    2. Ensure Agenda Items for the Subsequent Meeting are Developed Collaboratively at the Current Meeting

    3. Foster Ownership: Taking Stock

    4. Taking Stock: Reflective Questions

About this course

  • $385.00
  • 36 lessons
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 12-month access

Maximise Your Meetings: Join Our Online Course Today!

Ready to revolutionise your meetings and make every minute count? Don't miss out and join the course today.